
Postdoctoral    1998-2002       Harvard Medical School, Reproductive Endocrinology

Ph.D.               1998                Northwestern University, Neurobiology and Physiology

B.A.                 1993                Oberlin College, Neuroscience


Experience in Higher Education

2020-present   University of Maryland Baltimore County, Principal Lecturer, Biological Sciences

2016-2017       Fulbright Scholar, Charles University Medical School, Pilsen, Czech Republic

2013-2020       University of Maryland Baltimore County, Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences

2010-2013       University of Maryland Baltimore County, Lecturer, Biological Sciences

2004-2010       Ohio Wesleyan University, Assistant Professor, Biology

2000                University of Helsinki, Visiting Lecturer, Physiology

1998-2002       Postdoctoral researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

1994-1998       Northwestern University, Teaching Assistant, Biology


Honors Received

2024                Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, UMBC

2022                Honors College Faculty Fellow of the Year, 2021-2022; chosen by Honors College graduating seniors as the “professor who has taught the classes you have learned the most from, and best embodied the ideals of the Honors College”

2019                Honors College Faculty Fellow of the Year, 2018-2019; as above

2019                University System of Maryland Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching; given to 3 faculty annually in the University System of Maryland as a whole

2016-17           Fulbright Grant, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, for the project Evidence-Based Pedagogical Innovation in Health Sciences Education, for 9 months at Charles University, Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Czech Republic

2016                Honors College Faculty Fellow of the Year, 2015-2016; as above

2014                The Carl Weber Excellence in Teaching Award, awarded May 2014; given for innovation and excellence in pedagogy to one faculty member annually in the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences

2013                Honors College Faculty Fellow of the Year, 2012-2013; as above

2013                Team-Based Learning Trainer-Consultant, Qualified March 2013

2012                Best Poster, Temple University 10th Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching and Learning Excellence


Research Support and/or Fellowships

2018-2023       NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Award for “Collaborative Research: A Model of Institutional and Community Transformation for Teaching and Learning Quantitative Reasoning in the Biological Sciences”; member of UMBC team

2013                Hrabowski Academic Innovation Fund Award, member of team of 8, for “Quantitative Reasoning: Measurement & Skills Lab” (team and proposal led by Dean William LaCourse)

2013                Hrabowski Academic Innovation Fund Award, member of team of 4, for “Modeling as a Pedagogical Tool for the Life Sciences Curriculum”

2011-2015       National Experiment in Undergraduate Science Education (NEXUS) Howard Hughes Medical Institute-funded project to develop quantitative biology modules for the undergraduate classroom; member of UMBC team

2007                Support for Mentors and Students in the Neurosciences (SOMAS) Award, National Science Foundation. One of 5 awards nationally; single highest scoring application.

2000-2002       Individual National Research Service Award, National Institutes of Health. In support of postdoctoral work at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

1996-1998       Molecular and Cell Biology Training Grant, Center for Reproductive Sciences, Northwestern University

1993-1998       Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship

1994-1995       Northwestern University Teaching Assistantship

1994                Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship Award

1993                Howard Hughes Foundation Research Assistantship





I. Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals


Leupen, T. Williams, C. Wagner, L. Cui, E. Anderson, M. Perks, K. Nanes and L. Hodges. Disciplinary Differences in STEM Faculty and Student Use of Learning Objectives: Implications for Teaching and Learning. In Press, Journal of College Science Teaching, March 2024.


Bass, C. Goolsby-Cole, T. Carpenter, L. Stanwyck, S. Leupen and L. Hodges. Issues of Question Equivalence in Online Exam Pools. Journal of College Science Teaching, 52(4), 2023.


S. Leupen, K. Kephart, and L. Hodges. Factors Influencing Quality of Team Discussion: Discourse Analysis in a Undergraduate Team-Based Learning Biology Course. CBE Life Sciences Education, February 14, 2020.


Pavel, D. S. Leupen, and P. Soucek. Circulating and circular RNAs and the need for rationalization and synthesis of the research spiral. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 28(6), 2019.


Whitworth, S. Leupen, C. Rakes, and M. Bustos. Interactive Computer Simulations As Pedagogical Tools in Biology Labs. CBE Life Sciences Education, September 1, 2018.


Eberlova, V. Liska, H. Mirka, Z. Tonar, S. Haviar, M. Svoboda, J. Benes, R. Palak, S. Leupen, and A. Lametschwandner. The Use Of Porcine Corrosion Casts for Teaching Human Anatomy. Annals of Anatomy, 213, 67-77, 2017.


Hoffman, S. Leupen, Kathy Dowell, and Jeff Leips. Development and Assessment of Modules to Integrate Quantitative Skills in Introductory Biology Courses. CBE Life Sciences Education, 15 (2), June 1, 2016.

Nanes, T. Gierasch, S. Leupen, L. Cui, E. Anderson, S. Leupen, T. Carpenter and L. Hodges. Using Reading Quizzes in STEM Classes–The What, Why, and How. Journal of College Science Teaching, 45(1):49-55, 2015.


Sara Nienaber and Sarah Leupen. GnRH Protein Levels in Atrazine-Treated Axolotls. Impulse, May 2008.


S.M. Leupen, S.A. Tobet, W.F. Crowley, Jr., and Kai Kaila. Heterogeneous Expression of the Potassium-Chloride Cotransporter KCC2 in GnRH Neurons of the Adult Mouse. Endocrinology 144: 3031-36, 2003.


Gyurko, S.M. Leupen, W.F. Crowley, Jr., and P.L. Huang. Deletion of Exon 6 of the Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Results in Hypogonadism and Infertility in Mice. Endocrinology 143: 2767-74, 2002.


S.M. Leupen and J.E. Levine. Role of Protein Kinase C (PKC) in Facilitation of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)- Releasing Hormone-Induced LH Surges By Neuropeptide Y (NPY). Endocrinology  140: 3682-3687, 1999.


S.M. Leupen, L.M. Besecke, and J.E. Levine. Neuropeptide Y(NPY) Y1– Receptor Stimulation is Required for Physiological Amplification of Preovulatory Luteinizing Hormone Surges. Endocrinology 138: 2735-2739, 1997.


Janice E. Thornton, Laurie Holcomb, Sarah Leupen and Linda Kimbrough. Effect of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and NPY Agonists on Lordosis in the Female Guinea Pig. The Endocrine Journal 5(2), 169-177, 1997.

II. Book Chapters


Sarah Leupen. Team-Based Learning in STEM and the Health Sciences. Invited chapter in Active Learning in College Science: The Case for Evidence-Based Practice, published by Springer Nature in January 2020.


III. Other Publications


Sarah Leupen. Team-Based Learning and Undergraduate Anatomy: A Good Match. Invited article in the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Newsletter, January 2015, vol. 5, issue 1.


Sarah Leupen and Jed Burtt. The Truly Participatory Seminar. The Teaching Professor, October 2008; this article was also included in the Teaching Professor’s Faculty Focus Special Report on Building Student Engagement (2009).




  1. Conference/Poster Presentations (Juried/Refereed)


Pie, M. Starz-Gaiano, K. Hoffman, T. Williams, S. Leupen and P. Turner. Implementation and Assessment of Quantitative Cell Biology Modules As Part of A Multi-Institutional Collaboration. Presented by S. Leupen and H. Pie at the AAC&U Transforming STEM Education Conference, Arlington, VA, November 3, 2023.


Leupen and K. Hoffman The IUSE Project: Implementing Quantitative Biology Modules Across Institutions. 30-minute talk in the symposium Teaching On the Interface of the Quantitative Sciences and the Life Sciences. SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education, July 12, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA . I also chaired this symposium.


Leupen, C. Goolsby-Cole, T. Carpenter, L. Stanwyck, S. Bass and L. Hodges. When Is the Same Not the Same? Issues of Question Equivalence in Online Exam Pools. American Physiological Society Meeting, April 3, 2022, Philadelphia, PA.


Factors Influencing Quality of Team Discussion: Discourse Analysis in an Undergraduate Team-Based Learning Biology Course. Poster, Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Annual Meeting, May 2020. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Posted online; physical meeting canceled.


What Conditions Create A Great Team Discussion? : Discourse Analysis in a TBL Course. Interactive workshop, 18th Annual Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference, March 15, 2019. Tampa, Florida.


Cell Phone Surrender: A Policy to Promote Student Engagement. Poster, Temple University 17th Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching Excellence, January 9, 2019, Philadelphia PA.


The Content Monster: Keeping the Tyranny of Content from Hijacking Learning in Your Classroom, Interactive Workshop, Capital PKAL Conference, Stevenson University, Baltimore, MD, March 2018.


Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies, Poster, 2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education, Boise, Idaho, April 2016.


Inside Out Physiology: This is Happening Inside You Right Now! Poster, 7th Annual Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, Washington, D.C., October 2015.


Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies. 15-minute talk, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, January 2015.


Positive Outcomes for an Undergraduate Anatomy & Physiology Course Using Team-Based Learning. Poster, 13th Annual Conference on Team-Based Learning in Higher Education. Ft. Worth, TX, March 2014.


Quantitative Biology Modules for Introductory Biology Students. Talk presented to Bryn Mawr and Haverford College faculty, February 7, 2014, Bryn Mawr, PA, on modules developed by UMBC NEXUS team for HHMI-funded initiative.


Use of Modeling as a Pedagogical Tool in an Undergraduate Biology Teaching Laboratory. Karen Whitworth, Chris Rakes, Sarah Leupen and Mauricio Bustos. Poster, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, January 2014; re-presented at Provost’s Teaching Symposium, UMBC, January 2014.


Team-Based Learning: A Primer. 1-hour workshop for faculty at the National Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. Co-presented with Cynthia Wagner. October 18, 2013, Traverse City, Michigan.


Team-Based Learning. Workshop presentation. Mid-Atlantic Regional Student Success Conference, La Plata, MD, April 2012. With Cynthia Wagner.


Use of TBL in a 2-Semester Course in Anatomy & Physiology. Poster. 11th Annual Conference on Team-Based Learning in Higher Education. St. Petersburg, FL, March 2012.


Team-Based Learning in Anatomy and Physiology. Poster. Temple University 10th Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching Excellence, January 11, 2012, Philadelphia PA.

Won Best Poster Award.


Jen Yates and Sarah Leupen. Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium (mGluRs) in Neuroscience. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November 13, 2010, San Diego, CA.


Active Learning in Neuroscience. Workshop presentation. Midwest-Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, Ohio Wesleyan University, September 2009.


Mats Nordbo and Sarah Leupen. Effects of Orchidectomy and Testosterone Replacement on GnRH Protein Levels in the male Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum. Midwest-Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, Ohio Wesleyan University, 2009.


Sara Nienaber and Sarah Leupen. GnRH Expression in Estrogen- and Atrazine-Treated Axolotls, Ambystoma mexicanum. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2007.


Science at a Small College. Invited Speaker, Reproductive Biology Minisymposium, Northwestern University, October 2007.


Jessica Walz and Sarah Leupen. The Effects of Varying Doses of Alcohol on Free-running Periods in Syrian Hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. Sigma Xi Annual Research Conference, Detroit, Michigan, November 2006.


Abigail Maley, Jahnvi Purwar and Sarah Leupen. Pattern of GnRH release in an ambystomid salamander, the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Ohio Physiological Society, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, November 2006.


S.M. Leupen, T.M. Plant, W.F. Crowley, Jr., and K.K. Kaila. Does Heterogeneity of KCC2 Expression Lead To Opposite GABA Responses in Distinct Subpopulations of GnRH Neurons? Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2001.


Heger, M. Bilger, S. Leupen, G.A. Dissen, and S.R. Ojeda. Expression of Chloride Channels in GT1-7 LHRH Neurons. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2001.


S.M. Leupen, J. Tornberg, K. Kaila, W.F. Crowley, Jr., and M. Airaksinen. Reproductive Phenotype of Mice Hypomorphic for the Potassium-Chloride Cotransporter, KCC2. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 2001.


S.M. Leupen and J.E. Levine. Protein Kinase C mediates Neuropeptide Y(NPY) Facilitation of LHRH-induced LH release. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 1998.


S.M.Leupen, L.M. Besecke, and J.E. Levine. Neuropeptide Y  Y1-Receptors Amplify Preovulatory LH Surges. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 1997.


J.E. Levine, J.H. Urban, C. Sisk, P. Chappell, S. Leupen, and M. Xu. GnRH Pulse Generator and GnRH Surge Generator: Same, Separate or Superimposed? Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 1996.


J.E. Levine, P.E. Chappell, S. Leupen, M. Xu, and J.H. Urban. When Pulse Comes to Surge: New Ideas on the Neuroendocrine Stimulation of Gonadotropin Surges. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 1996.


S.M. Leupen, C. Berg, and J.E. Levine. Pharmacological Analysis of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Receptors Mediating NPY Facilitation of LH Surges. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 1995.


Chappell, S. Leupen, T. Porkka-Heiskanen and J. Levine. RU486 Administration Attenuates LH Surges in the Absence of Endogenous Progesterone. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 1995.


Jan Thornton, Laurie Holcomb, Linda Kimbrough and Sarah Leupen. Effect of NPY and an NPY Y1 Agonist on Lordosis Behavior. Conference on Reproductive Behavior, Bethlehem, PA. 1994.


Invited Presentations (Selected)

Team-Based Learning: Fundamentals of TBL and Team Dynamics and Peer Evaluation. Two-workshop series (6 hours) at Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine, January 9-10, 2024.


Improving the Quality of University Teaching: How Can It Be Accomplished? Keynote speech for the conference Pedagogical Competencies at Higher Education Institutions: Why and How to Improve Them? Prague, Czech Republic, November 13, 2023 (keynote given virtually).


Team-Based Learning 101. Workshop for STEM faculty at Salisbury University, Maryland, May 11, 2023.


Team-Based Learning: Creating a Module, Writing Good Questions and Facilitating Class Discussions. Three-workshop series (9 hours) at Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine, January 10-11, 2023.


How to Transform Our Teaching in the Age of Recordings. Charles University, Czech Republic (virtual) November 7, 2021. Repeated February 17, 2022 for a different college at Charles University.


Class Assessments That Promote Student Learning. Given virtually to faculty at Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH, September 29, 2021.


How To Write Good Multiple Choice Questions. NIQB Symposium (online), consortium of 5 Baltimore-area institutions, June 11, 2021.


Team-Based Learning: Group Work that Works. SI National Institute on Scientific Teaching (online) February 5, 2021.


How To Write a Good Test. Johns Hopkins University Medical Campus, Teaching Academy series, February 13, 2020.


Team-Based Learning Collaborative Regional Workshop. Pennsylvania Child Welfare Center, Mechanicsburg, PA. Full-day workshop co-facilitated with Liz Winter. September 21, 2019.


The Content Monster: How Less Talking Can Mean More Learning. Johns Hopkins University Medical Campus, Teaching Academy series, March 13, 2019.


How to Improve Your Scientific Presentations, 5-hour workshop at the Czech Biomaterials Conference (South Bohemia, Czech Republic), September 2018.


Using Metacognitive and Reflective Practices in Our Teaching: Five Evidence-Based Techniques to Try. Talk/workshop at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, September 2018.


Team-Based Learning. Johns Hopkins University Medical Campus, Teaching and Tapas series, February 14, 2018.


Motivating Students: Research-Based Stratgies to Try Tomorrow. Keynote talk, Teacher Quality in Chemistry Share Our Success Seminar, UMBC, November 2017.


Motivating Students: Eight Research-Based Strategies. Keynote talk, Faculty Development Day, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, September 2017.


Team-Based Learning in Medical Education. Workshop at Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty in Pilsen, May 2017.


Outcomes-Based Course Design. Talk/workshop at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, May 2017.


Curriculum Reform in Medical Education. Talk at Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty in Medicine, April 2017.


The Content Monster: How Less Talking Can Mean More Learning. Talk/workshop at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, April 2017.


Motivating Students: Strategies for Younger and Older Students. Invited keynote talk at the Neuroscience in Education Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, April 5, 2017.


Motivating Students: Eight Research-Based Strategies. Workshop at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, March 2017.


How To Assess Your Teaching. Workshop at Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty in Pilsen, March 2017.


An Introduction to Evidence-Based Teaching. Workshop at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, March 2017.


Scientific Teaching: The Evidence and the Practice. Invited talk at the University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 21, 2017; preceded by a workshop on Team-Based Learning for the same faculty.


Collaborative Learning in University STEM Education. Invited workshop at the University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany, February 2017.


Evidence-Based Teaching and the Barriers to Change. Address at Quality of Teaching and Its Evaluation Conference, Charles in University, Prague, Czech Republic, 16 November 2016.


Beyond Navel Gazing: The Evidence Base for Employing Reflective and Metacognitive Practices in our Teaching. Keynote address at 9th annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons Conference, Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA, March 31, 2016.


Team-Based Learning in K-12 Education. Day-long workshop at McDonogh School, June 22, 2015; repeated November 30, 2015.


Team-Based Learning 101. Team-Based Learning Collaborative Fly-In Workshop, Dulles Airport hotels, October 2014. Half-day workshop for 50 attendees from around the U.S.


Team-Based Learning: Can Group Work Actually Work? Guest speaker (1 hour lunchtime workshop) at Teacher Quality in Chemistry Share Our Success Gala, UMBC, March 2014.


The Four-S Experience: Creating Good Applications. Co-presented with Karla Kubitz. Half-day workshop for 50 attendees, 13th Annual International Conference on Team-Based Learning in Higher Education. Ft. Worth, TX, March 2014.


Team-Based Learning. 90-minute workshop for 20 faculty, presented November 5, 2013, The Universities at Shady Grove, Rockville, MD.


Team-Based Learning: From Interest to Implementation. Full-Day “Level 2” workshop for 25 UMBC faculty. Co-presented with Kal Nanes, May 29, 2013.


Team-Based Learning and Flipped Classrooms. 2-hour workshop for 25 faculty. Co-presented with Cynthia Wagner. May 3, 2013, Howard Community College, Columbia, MD.


The Flipped Classroom: Theory and Practice. Workshop for 40 faculty, presented April 30, 2013, The Universities at Shady Grove, Rockville, MD. Repeated September 20, 2013 for the UMB School of Nursing Faculty, Shady Grove.


Motivating Students to Prepare for Class. One of three presenters at a panel discussion/workshop for UMBC faculty, April 9, 2013, UMBC campus.


Teaching With Questions, Not Answers. Academic Innovation Session at 2012 Annual Faculty Retreat. August 21, 2012, UMBC.


Sarah Leupen and John Fritz. Team-Based Learning Workshop. Full-day workshop for 45 UMBC faculty. May 23, 2012, UMBC.


Cynthia Wagner and Sarah Leupen. Team-Based Learning. 90 minute workshop with Perry Hall High School teachers on January 23, 2012.


John Fritz and Sarah Leupen. Team-Based Learning. Final 90-minute workshop of the Faculty Development Center’s semester-long Active Learning series, April 13, 2011, UMBC.


Good Pedagogy with Blackboard. Presentation to Ohio Wesleyan’s Teaching Circle, January 25, 2010.


Group Work that Works. Faculty Seminar, Ohio Wesleyan University, October 23, 2009.


Clickers: More Useful (and Less Scary) Than You Think. Faculty Seminar, Ohio Wesleyan University, January 30, 2009; also presented independently to the Physics and Psychology departments.





  1. Service to the Department

2023-2024       Department Search Committees (Biology and GES), 2 lecturer positions

2020-2022   Member, Chair’s Executive Committee, Department of Biological Sciences

2020                Chair, Promotion & Tenure Committee for colleague

2011-present   Chair, Assessment Committee, Department of Biological Sciences

2011-present   Co-Director, Biology Teaching Circle

2010-present   Member, Assessment Committee, Department of Biological Sciences

2016                Department Search Committee, Lecturer and VAP Positions (Chair for latter)

2011-2015       Member, Chair’s Executive Committee, Department of Biological Sciences

2013-2014       Department Search Committee, 3 Lecturer Positions

2011-2012       Department Search Committee, 2 Lecturer Positions

2008-2010       Co-Director, Neuroscience Program, Ohio Wesleyan University

2005-2008       Director, Neuroscience Program, Ohio Wesleyan University

2006-2010       Assessment Coordinator, Department of Zoology and Program in Neuroscience, Ohio Wesleyan University

2007-2009       Member, Department of Zoology Faculty Search Committees, Ohio Wesleyan University


  1. Service to the University

2023-2024       Co-facilitator, Faculty Learning Community on Re-Engaging Students

2022-2023       Co-facilitator, Faculty Learning Community on Contemplative Pedagogy

2022-present   Faculty Liaison, Women’s Soccer Team

2021-2022       Member, Faculty Learning Community on Fostering Pedagogies that Engage and Support Transfer Students

2020-2021       Member, Faculty Learning Community on Online Engagement

2019-2020       Coordinator, Faculty Learning Community on Seeing White

2019                CNMS Search Committee, Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow

2018-present   Member, Student Learning and Assessment Committee, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences

2018-2019       Coordinator, Faculty Learning Community on Creating Good Questions

2018                First-Year Experience Book Discussion Facilitator, Kindred

2015-2018       Member, Hrabowski Pedagogical Innovation Fund Proposal Evaluation Committee

2014-2016       Chair, Student Learning and Assessment Committee, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences

2015                Member, Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building Teaching Space Technical Advisory Committee

2014-2015       Co-coordinator, Faculty Learning Community on Contemplative Pedagogy

2014-2015       DP&T Committee, outside member, Richard Wilson, Philosophy Department

2014                Coordinator, Faculty Learning Community on the Flipped Classroom

2012-present  Co-coordinator, UMBC Team-Based Learning Interest Group

2013                First-Year Experience Book Discussion Facilitator, Hot

2011-2014      Team Member, UMBC Team, Howard Hughes Medical Institute-funded Project: National Experiment in Undergraduate Science Education (NEXUS)

2012                First-Year Experience Book Discussion Facilitator, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

2010                Judge, Undergraduate Research Symposium

2008-2010       Founder/Director, Teaching Circle, Ohio Wesleyan University

2008-2010       Chair, Teaching, Learning and Cross-Cultural Programming Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2006-2008       Member, Teaching, Learning and Cross-Cultural Programming Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2009-2010       Member, Assessment Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2009-2010       Member, Department of Education Faculty Search Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2009-2010       Member, Director of Information Technology Search Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2009                Reviewer, Theory-Into-Practice Pedagogical Grants, Ohio Wesleyan University

2007-2008       Member, Department of Psychology Faculty Search Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2007-2009       Member, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty Search Committees (2 searches), Ohio Wesleyan University

2005-2007       Member, Women’s and Gender Studies Steering Committee, Ohio Wesleyan University

2005-2010       Faculty Advisor to Neuroscience Club and Women’s Rugby Team, Ohio Wesleyan University


III. Service to the Community

2020-present                Volunteer tutor, Introduction to Biology, Goucher Prison Education Program, Maryland Correctional Institution Jessup

2019                Volunteer lab assistant, Introduction to Biology, Goucher Prison Education Program, Maryland Correctional Institute for Women

2014-2023       Coach, youth soccer, Catonsville, MD

2018                Weekly volunteer, Chop Night, Franciscan Center, Baltimore, MD

2010-2016       Classroom Volunteer, Hillcrest Elementary School (monthly service)

2002-2003       Research Coordinator (full-time volunteer service), Foundation for Nature Conservation in Suriname

1998-2002       Director and Reader, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (weekly service)

1996-1998       Office Volunteer, AIDS Walk Chicago (weekly or monthly service)

1994-1996       Clinic Volunteer, Planned Parenthood (weekly service)


  1. Service to the Profession

2021-present   Ad hoc reviewer, Bioscience

2019-present   Ad hoc reviewer, CBE Life Sciences Education

2015-present   Mentor and Faciliator, Team-Based Learning Trainer-Consultant Program

2013-present   Reviewer, Team Based Learning Collaborative Resource Bank

2012-present   Member-at-Large, Team-Based Learning Collaborative Steering Committee

2009-2010       Co-Organizer, Midwest-Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience

2007-2009       Participant, Five Colleges of Ohio TEAGLE Foundation Creativity and Critical Thinking Assessment Project

2008-2010       Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience

2008                Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Travel Award Reviewer

2008-2016       Textbook reviewer, McGraw-Hill

2009-2015       Textbook reviewer, Elsevier

2001-2004       Member, Endocrine Society Associates Council

2001-2004       Member, Endocrine Society Ethics Advisory Committee


Professional Website:



SIAM News article (2022)

Chronicle of Higher Education article (2017)

Nature article (2015)

Washington Post article (2012)